Patent Department:
1.Previous technical search、Drafting specification、Drawing drawings、Analysis of infringement comparison、Applying for related procedures of patents.
Trademark Department:
1.Previous similar search、Analysis of infringement comparison 、Applying for related procedures of trademarks.
International Department:
1.Filing patent and trademark applications abroad;Dealing with administrative litigation and related procedures for patent and trademarks abroad.
Legal Department:
1.Legal consultation、On behalf of sending the lawyer's letter、Legal Attest Letters、受任智慧財產權法律顧問。
2.Intellectual Property(Patent、Trademark、Copyright)之授權契約、侵權訴訟處理及談判協調。
Sales Department:
2. Suggesting the type of application、Programing international applications、Global layout of intellectual property protection.
3. Providing publication and new important information for intellectual property.
Administration Department:
1. Secretarial and administrative assistant、Control Procedures、Accounting transaction.
2. Suggesting the type of application、Programing international applications、Global layout of Intellectual Property protection.
Patent Department:
1.Previous technical search、Drafting specification、Drawing drawings、Analysis of infringement comparison、Applying for related procedures of patents.
Trademark Department:
1.Previous similar search、Analysis of infringement comparison 、Applying for related procedures of trademarks.
International Department:
1.Filing patent and trademark applications abroad;Dealing with administrative litigation and related procedures for patent and trademarks abroad.
Legal Department:
1.Legal consultation、On behalf of sending the lawyer's letter、Legal Attest Letters、受任智慧財產權法律顧問。
2.Intellectual Property(Patent、Trademark、Copyright)之授權契約、侵權訴訟處理及談判協調。
Sales Department:
2. Suggesting the type of application、Programing international applications、Global layout of intellectual property protection.
3. Providing publication and new important information for intellectual property.
Administration Department:
1. Secretarial and administrative assistant、Control Procedures、Accounting transaction.
2. Suggesting the type of application、Programing international applications、Global layout of Intellectual Property protection.